Welcome the tournament winners!

June 10, 2024

We are super exited to announce the winners of our tournament!
We appreciate everyone for participation and are glad to welcome eleven winners of our contest. All of them receive Amazon Vouchers up to $150.

Please welcome:

1st place: rin*******[email protected]
2nd place: iva*****[email protected]
3rd place: 86s*****[email protected]
4th place: rob*****[email protected]
5th place: mik*****[email protected]
6th place: sar*****[email protected]
7th place: ann*****[email protected]
8th place: sar*****[email protected]
9th place: nat*****[email protected]
10th place: olg*****[email protected]
11th place: lin*****[email protected]

Please check your email as we have already contacted the winners for clarifying details!

Thank you for joining and get ready for new and upcoming tournaments!